Friday, March 18, 2011

Drysdale Planning Permit Application Outcomes February 2011

Geelong Council Agenda 22 March 2011 reports on 2 properties in Drysdale/Clifton Springs in the Decisions Report - February 2011

1. Application Number: 1035/2010, 97-105 Murradoc Road, Drysdale, VIC 3222
Use and development of land for a residential village and alterations to the access arrangements to a road in a Road Zone (Category 1). 4-Feb-2011
Refusal to Grant a Planning Permit
Development Hearings Panel

2. Application Number: 1227/2010: 26-28 Marsh Court, Drysdale VIC 3222
Construct nine dwellings and nine lot subdivision 18-Feb-2011
Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit
Development Hearings Panel

The Geelong Council Agenda for March 22, 2011 is available in pdf format (1015kb). (This document requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader)


  1. Hi Cheryl
    Re the Murradoc Road scheme - is this Amendment C105? Are you saying that CoGG has refused to grant planning permission? Patrick.

  2. As far as I know this was just a planning permit for a "retirement village" of sorts - don't believe it has anything to do with Amendment C105 - what exactly is C105?

  3. Sorry - Ammendment C105 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme (to give its full title)gives permission for the vacant land south of Murradoc Road (and behind and to the east of the planned Aldi store) to be turned into a housing estate. Local objections meant that the proposed amendment was referred to a state Planning Panel, which passed it.
    Did the proposal for a retirement village include any new drains?!

  4. Hi Patrick - no this application was on the north side of Murradoc Road - Not sure about the drains though! :)

    1. If the relevant Council considers that certain objections have merit, and the parties are unable to resolve their differences independently, the Council Planner may arrange a mediation. This will take place between the Permit Applicant and the objector to the proposal, in an open forum, where views can be discussed, with an overall aim of reaching a negotiated outcome.
      planning permits
