Below is an extract from the City of Greater Geelong's Agenda which will be voted on tonight (12 March 2013) to change the boundary between Drysdale and Clifton Springs known as Area 1.
Portfolio: Governance – Cr Fagg, Mayor
Source: Corporate Services – Financial Services
General Manager: Jeff Wall
Index Reference: Subject/Roads, Footpaths & Streets
- Council resolved at its' meeting held on 8 May to commence a process of investigation and consultation to realign the locality boundaries between Drysdale and Clifton Springs.
- After a process of community consultation, Council considered a further report on 13 November 2012 regarding an amended proposal to Area 1 of the Drysdale and Clifton Springs boundary realignment.
- The amended proposal for Area 1 was advertised in the City News section of the Geelong Independent on 23 November 2012 and the Geelong Advertiser on 24 November 2012.
- Two submissions were received in favour of the proposal and no submissions were against the proposal.
- Once Council adopts the recommended amended boundary realignment, registration will occur in accordance with Geographic Naming requirements.
That Council approves the amended boundary realignment for Area 1 as follows:
To extend the existing Clifton Springs boundary from the rear of the property known as 52 Delungra Avenue in an easterly direction to the south east corner of the property known as 54A Delungra Avenue, then continue the Clifton Springs boundary north to intersect with the existing boundary at the rear of the properties known as 7 Wintersun Court and 12 Waterford Place (refer Appendix A).
Council is responsible for allocating geographic locality boundaries. Council received advice dated 16 February 2012 from the Registrar of Geographic Names requesting that in the interests of public safety Council proceed with a boundary realignment between Drysdale and Clifton Springs, west of the Geelong-Portarlington Road. Principal 3(A) of the Guidelines for Geographic Names 2010 stipulates that locality boundary should align with the cadastral fabric, road centre lines or easily distinguishable topographical features. In accordance with Section 3.2.1 of the guidelines, the Registrar may request Council to amend a locality boundary in the interests of public safety.
The locality boundary between Clifton Springs and Drysdale, west of the Geelong-Portarlington Road, passes through numerous residential properties in Wintersun Court and Narawi Avenue which is creating particular confusion for emergency and communication services. Ambulance Victoria has emphasised the need for correct locality to avoid confusion in an emergency response situation. In this case, the locality boundary does not comply with Principal the Guidelines.
Council resolved on 8 May 2012 to commence a process of investigation and consultation to realign the locality boundaries between Drysdale and Clifton Springs. Following the community consultation process, including public meetings held on 8 and 15 August 2012, it was determined as part of the communities request to amend the Area 1 proposal.
A further report was tabled at the Council meeting of 13 November 2012, with a revised proposal for Area 1 agreed.
This proposal was advertised in the City News section of the Geelong Independent on 23 November 2012 and the Geelong Advertiser on 24 November 2012. Letters were sent to all affected property owners / residents at this time advising them of the amended proposal. No submissions were received against the proposal and two submissions were received in favour of the amended proposal thanking Council for listening to resident concerns.
The above proposal meets the requirements of the Guidelines for Geographic Names 2010.
Environmental Implications
There are no environmental issues arising from this report.
Financial Implications
Council offers a standard assistance package to residents when their property address is altered. This assistance package consists of 10 postage paid envelopes and 10 Change of Address forms. Other assistance may be offered on a case by case basis.
Policy/Legal/Statutory Implications
The Geographic Place Names Act 1998, the Guidelines for Geographic Names 2010 and Council Policy have been followed and met.
Officer Direct or Indirect Interest
There is no officer direct or indirect interest in this report.
Risk Assessment
Council's proposal to realign this boundary will minimise the risk of emergency services not being able to locate properties.
Social Considerations
The realignment of this boundary will allow for easier identification to the public and utility services in case of an emergency.
The proposed realignment was advertised in the Geelong Independent newspaper on 23 November 2012 and the Geelong Advertiser newspaper on 24 November 2012.
Letters were also sent to the affected owners in Area 1 advising of the proposed realignment.
Subject to Council and the Registrar of Geographic Names approval, the relevant authorities and affected owners will be notified of the official Registration of the new alignment.
Appendix A

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