Thursday, February 18, 2010

SpringDale in Drysdale now can't offer the "After School Tutoring Program"

Apparently there are no maths teachers available now to teach students in the SpringDale Neighborhood Centre's after school maths tutoring program. None of the local Drysdale schools will offer their support.

This is a real shame - surely there are some teachers or retired teachers who have an hour of their time once a week to help our kids who are struggling with maths.

Too often now our kids are being pushed through school without a basic grasp of the old "reading, writing and arithmetic". Why is it that no one wants to help?

Is there anyone out there? If so please contact the SpringDale on (03) 5253 1960 - they would really appreciate it!


  1. The tutoring program was a great success last year and there are plenty of parents and kids who want to be involved again this year. From what I hear, the maths teachers and SpringDale are keen to run it again, but the school says the teachers have to be at after-school meetings instead of out tutoring. Seems the priorities are out of whack. Our kids need help. If they wont let the teachers go to tutoring, what else is the school going to do to help the struggling kids?

  2. As I understand it a solution has been found so watch for a postive outcome for all from this. Anne Brackely co-ordinator of Springdale and Colin Sing, Principal of Bellarine Secondary College have found a way forward.

  3. A comment from Anne - further to my post above.
    SpringDale Coordinator, Anne Brackley has met with Principal Colin Sing re the Homework group. Both are very supportive of the concept and both wish it to continue and prosper. We have worked out a plan that allows teachers to attend the scheduled meetings and allows the program to continue. Letters are currently being drafted to the students already signed up for this group. Thanks to Colin for being supportive of this concept. Thanks to the teachers and other community members who are volunteering their time to provide alternative learning opportunities of our children. Thanks to the parents for attending and supporting this group and special thanks to the students who are having so much fun learning at SpringDale. SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre provides community strengthening services to improve the quality of life for all the residents of the North Bellarine.
